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Since I was a child, I have had a love for abandoned buildings, especially asylums. Growing up in New York, I have been lucky enough to truly appreciate this part of history - the architecture of these state hospitals, the change in methods of treating mental health, the way nature has taken over these places, and the beauty in the decay.


Starting from a young age, I have photographed and collected everything possible to keep these buildings around forever, even when they are no longer standing. I didn't want the things I had collected to just be sitting around, I wanted to experience and appreciate them on a daily basis - so I started wearing the keys I had found around my neck. I got compliments everywhere I went, and people were always asking if I had a website that they could buy a key necklace from.


This was the start of Asylum Aesthetics, and it has only grown from there as I have taught myself methods of jewelry making, like electroforming, as well as come up with even more unique ways to manifest items I find into jewelry. I love wearing my heart on my sleeve, around my neck, on my fingers, and hanging from my ears. I am truly honored to make timeless pieces of jewelry from this part of history. 

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